As the world's largest technical professional organization, 宝盈彩app下载 offers many ways to get involved with technical and local communities.

Other Technical Communities
Technical Councils
宝盈彩app下载 Technical Councils are groups of Societies working together in broad areas of technology, sponsoring member activities such as technical meetings, publishing, promoting educational activities, and developing standards.
Go to a Society website:
- 宝盈彩app下载 Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Antennas and Propagation Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Broadcast Technology Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Circuits and Systems Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Communications Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Computational Intelligence Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Computer Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Consumer Technology Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Control Systems Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Education Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Electromagnetic Compatibility Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Electron Devices Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Electronics Packaging Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Industrial Electronics Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Industry Applications Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Information Theory Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Instrumentation & Measurement Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Magnetics Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Oceanic Engineering Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Photonics Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Power Electronics Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Power and Energy Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Product Safety Engineering Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Professional Communication Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Reliability Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Robotics & Automation Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Signal Processing Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Society on Social Implications of Technology
- 宝盈彩app下载 Solid-State Circuits Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Technology and Engineering Management Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society
- 宝盈彩app下载 Vehicular Technology Society
- All 宝盈彩app下载 Societies
Go to a Technical Council website:
General technical communities
The general technical communities pull together technologists with an interest in a hot multidisciplinary or emerging topic areas to enable increased connection and awareness of developments.
- 宝盈彩app下载 Big Data
- 宝盈彩app下载 Blockchain
- 宝盈彩app下载 Brain
- 宝盈彩app下载 Cloud Computing
- 宝盈彩app下载 Cybersecurity
- 宝盈彩app下载 Digital Reality
- 宝盈彩app下载 Entrepreneurship Exchange Community
- 宝盈彩app下载 Environmental Engineering
- 宝盈彩app下载 Future Networks 宝盈彩app下载 Global Earth Observing System of Systems
- 宝盈彩app下载 Internet of Things
- 宝盈彩app下载 Internet Initiative
- 宝盈彩app下载 Life Sciences
- 宝盈彩app下载 Rebooting Computing
- 宝盈彩app下载 Smart Cities
- 宝盈彩app下载 Smart Grid
- 宝盈彩app下载 Software Defined Networks
- 宝盈彩app下载 Sustainable ICT
- 宝盈彩app下载 TechEthics
Standards Association & working groups

Future Directions Initiatives

Network. Collaborate. Create with 宝盈彩app下载 Collabratec.
Geographic units and activities

Local Sections & Chapters
Local meetings are organized by Sections and Chapters within ten Regions. 宝盈彩app下载 members automatically become members of their local Section.
- Region 01 - Northeast USA
- Region 02 - Eastern USA
- Region 03 - Southeastern USA
- Region 04 - Central USA
- Region 05 - Southwestern USA
- Region 06 - Western USA
- Region 07 - Canada
- Region 08 - Africa, Europe, & Middle East
- Region 09 - Latin America
- Region 10 - Asia and Pacific
- All local 宝盈彩app下载 Region websites
Student Branches


Affinity and special interest groups
宝盈彩app下载 affinity and special interest groups are local units of 宝盈彩app下载 organizational units, or standing committees. To form a group in your Section or Council, complete and submit an 宝盈彩app下载 Affinity Group Petition.
Learn more about the following:
Related Information >
宝盈彩app下载 Learning Network (ILN)
Browse courses made by 宝盈彩app下载 Technical Communities and Societies on core and emerging technologies, leadership skills, and more.
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宝盈彩app下载 Climate Change
宝盈彩app下载 is committed to helping combat and mitigate the effects of climate change.